Thursday, June 9, 2011

More Prayer, More People

As mentioned in our last newsletter, we are wanting to "kick it up a notch" with our prayer team for the Songhai. Currently, we have around 600 people praying every month for the Songhai people & our team. We are wanting to raise that number to 1,000 or MORE! We have seen incredible things happen as a result of your prayers! Can you imagine if there were one thousand people praying for the salvation of the Songhai?! Can you help us?

And here's an added bonus. The one current prayer partner who enlists the most new prayer partners gets a prize!! "What?" you may ask ... well, how about one very fancy unique-to-Niger souvenir? Perhaps a handmade, hand crafted soapstone nativity scene? This lovely gift can be yours for the taking!


**photo taken from** 
This was a nativity set from Niger that we gave to some of our dear friends a few years ago.

Here's how it works ...

1. Enlist your family, friends, co-workers, Sunday School class, small group, Bible study, etc, etc to pray for the Songhai.
2. Ask them to make a commitment to pray once a month (or more) for the needs of the Songhai people & team.
3. For those that commit, compile a list of their email addresses.
4. Send us your list of email addresses with corresponding names & numbers. For instance, if you recruit an entire family or a couple but they only use one email address, send it to us like this:

             ex. The Smith Family      5 people praying

That's it! That simple! You ask people to pray for the Songhai & send us their names & emails! We'll immediately add them to our newsletter list & they can begin to pray for the Songhai!

We'll close this "contest" on July 31 & announce the "winner" & final tally of our new prayer partners on August 15.

Can you help us do this?! Even if you are not "in it to win it," could you ask just one person to join the Songhai prayer team with you? Please don't discourage yourself from doing this by thinking that you won't have "enough" people to ask. Really, one extra person praying for the Songhai people is a blessing to us!

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