Thursday, April 21, 2011

Weekly Prayer Focus: Boubon

Please be in prayer for Boubon this week. This village is 15 minutes from Niamey & is where we are concentrating much of our efforts with our national partners, a partnering church & our new Songhai team members. The chief has been very open to us being there & we've even seen much interest from the outreach groups formed from the national partners' work. However, the village is still a dark place & is still resistant to The Light.

Mark has worked tirelessly with the chief to find housing for the Foxes, our new team members due to arrive in July. Just when it seemed all was going well, we hit a wall (you can read about it here). We have truly felt that this village is where the Foxes are supposed to live but it's a little impossible to live somewhere without a house!

Will you please pray for Boubon this week?

Praise the Lord with us that the chief has been so open, welcoming & receptive to us and the work we are doing. Pray that the Lord would call the chief & his household to salvation as they hear of God's great love & salvation for them.

Pray for those that are being led in Bible study by our national partners; that they also would answer God's call of salvation & follow Him. Pray for the national partners themselves that God would give them wisdom, direction & perseverance. Pray that they would be faithful to the Message & would be bold in their witness.

Pray for those that are showing resistance to the work & are causing hardship by not allowing us to rent a house there. Pray that God would make a way where there seems to be no way. Pray that God would soften the hearts of these individuals.

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