Praying for the Songhai

The Songhai Team believes in the power of prayer. God has promised to be present when two or three are gathered in His name. As believers call upon His name He hears, and He has promised to answer, revealing great and mighty things that have never been known. We are assured that when every knee bows, declaring Jesus Christ Lord and Savior, Songhai People will be around the Throne. Although the task of sharing the Love of God with two to three million Songhai seems overwhelming, we can rest assured that nothing is too hard for God. He loves these people! He desires that none should perish, even these World A peoples living in the Last Frontier. They are not forsaken; they are sought by Him, their redemption already assured by His work on the cross. He created them; He has known them and loved them with an everlasting love from the very beginning of time.

We value your prayer support for the task to be done. We need your commitment to join others in lifting up the Songhai People and those who minister to them in daily intercession. The prayers of believers prepare the way for the Lord by opening doors, building bridges, providing protection, and breaking down barriers to the Gospel. Our entire site is set up for believers to know more about the Songhai people, better understanding their needs which will lead to more specific, powerful prayer.

'Ask of Me, and I will make the nations your heritage,' He promises in Psalms 2:8. Many African nations continue to suffer the effects of generations of separation from the Lord; so it is with the Songhai. Pray for Africa! Pray for the Songhai!

Send us an email for more information about becoming a part of the Songhai Prayer Team at


Here are some other resources or information about praying for the Songhai:

In Daily Prayer
with subjects to pray for each day of the month, you can lift up the Songhai people & missionaries on a daily basis

Praying for Missionaries A-Z
pray for missionaries 26 different ways using each letter of the alphabet!

want to take your prayer commitment a step further? adopt an unreached village & commit to praying for the Songhai people of that village to know Jesus as their Lord & Savior!