Friday, August 9, 2013

Weekly Prayer Focus: Rainy Season & Crops

The rains started a little later this year than normal. But since beginning in late June, they have come often & steady. All of our believers are sustenance farmers, which means they grow enough food to feed their family for an entire year. They do not farm for profit, only for their own consumption. And they grow one crop - millet. The rainy season must be good to ensure that they have a good harvest & to ensure that they have enough food to last them an entire year.

Please pray for the rains to continue to come steadily throughout the remainder of the season which should end around mid-October. Pray that God would bless the work of the hands of His children & our Songhai believers would have abundant crops to provide for their families. Pray also that God would protect their crops from diseases that normally infiltrate crops through insects.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Weekly Prayer Focus: Believers in Dargol

Over the course of the last several years, there has been ministry efforts in & around the village of Dargol. While many seeds were planted, only a small amount of fruit was sown. And among that fruit, there was very little growth. While there have been believers there for a few years, they had made little headway into beginning a church.

However, over the last few months, we have seen the Lord do some amazing things in this village. They have grown in their faith & in their numbers & they are finally on the verge of becoming a church.

Pray for these believers as they meet weekly to study the Word & take the necessary steps to planting a church in their village. Pray that they would remain unified, grow in their knowledge of the Word, seek to apply His truth to their lives daily & would be a vital, flourishing church. Pray that they would be the hands & feet of Christ to their neighbors by serving others but also being bold in their witness. Pray that the Lord would add many to their numbers as they declare His Gospel to those that have never heard.