Wednesday, February 19, 2014

february 2014 newsletter

Dear Prayer Partners,

Thank y'all so much for praying for us this last month. We have had a GREAT month of finding new villages on our roads &, just this week, seeing a TON of fruit on the Road to Gaya through the faithful witness of a volunteer team from Bowling Green, Ky. We are in constant awe of all that God is doing among the Songhai & how He is continuing to call them out of darkness & into the Light. Thank you for praying for our team, our volunteers, our believers, our national partners & for the Songhai that have yet to hear of, know about or choose to follow Christ.

In "technical" news, our email has been a little wacky lately &, apparently, we've not been receiving emails here & there. If you have emailed us lately & have not heard back from us, please resend your email ... especially if it is in regards to Adopting a Road. All those who signed up should have already received their "quick start" guide & been receiving updates for things happening in the last 3 weeks on your respective roads. It's still not too late to sign up to Adopt a Road. We are VERY excited about having y'all partner with us on a deeper level & getting word to you about daily/weekly happenings on these roads. We would love to have 100 of you sign up to join us in this project!

that ALL may know HIM,

mark & parker <><

Friday, February 14, 2014

What Do the Foxes Say? (February 2014)

For the past year we have been encouraging our believers to meet together each week for worship and Bible study. For the most part they have done well and we have been
encouraged. At the end of January, Jody was not able to meet with the believers because he had a trip with our company to Senegal. However, Sarah and the girls were able to meet with 2 of our believers. Upon starting, 2 of Jody’s unbelieving friends also showed up for the meeting. They listened to Luke chapter 7 and Sarah and Solomon, one of our national believes, helped lead a discussion. The group came to the conclusion that Jesus was indeed God.

When it came time to close Sarah informed everybody that the meeting was done. But the two unbelievers insisted that they pray for Jody while he traveled. So right there these two unbelieving men prayed to the Lord for Jody.

Please keep these men in your prayers that the Lord would to do a mighty work in their lives.

Prayer Points
Praise the Lord that the sickness Sarah and the girls faced this past month is over!
• Praise the Lord that 2 unbelievers came and met with our believers in our weekly meeting.
• Pray that the Lord will open the hearts of three men named Sam, Isaac and Henry.
• Pray that our believers will share their faith with others in our village.
• Pray for Jody because he is taking a seminary class this quarter.
• Pray for Sarah balancing homeschool, family, and out of the home ministry.
• Pray for strength that we would finish our first term with health and diligence.

Our Little Girls
• Our girls have been sick this past month, so pray that the Lord will give them health in the months to come.
• Pray for salvation as the oldest two understand the gospel and are contemplating this decision.
• Pray for perseverance in school.
• Pray that Jordan will continue to learn to read.