Please be in prayer for a large group of new believers that will be receiving our initial discipleship training course, NLTS 0, this weekend. The lessons will be taught by a team from FBC Hurst, TX & will be conducted over a 2.5 day period. Pray for understanding of all 12 lessons that are taught including teachings on Creation, The Bible, Jesus, Salvation, Faith, etc. Pray for growth in these believers' faith & wisdom as well as a deeper love for their Savior. Pray for sweet times of fellowship with other believers as well as times of encouragement between the men. Many of these believers have faced persecution for following Christ & while that is never easy, it is an encouragement to know that there are others who share your burdens and can pray in understanding for you.
Pray also for the team of 2 men from TX that will be teaching. The days are incredibly hot here right now (up to 115 in the day) & although their teachings will take place inside the "HUB" there will be no air conditioning, only fans blowing around the hot air. Pray for stamina & health for these men.
Our Visit to Sheltering Wings
8 years ago