Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Weekly Prayer Focus: NLTS 0

Please be in prayer for a large group of new believers that will be receiving our initial discipleship training course, NLTS 0, this weekend. The lessons will be taught by a team from FBC Hurst, TX & will be conducted over a 2.5 day period. Pray for understanding of all 12 lessons that are taught including teachings on Creation, The Bible, Jesus, Salvation, Faith, etc. Pray for growth in these believers' faith & wisdom as well as a deeper love for their Savior. Pray for sweet times of fellowship with other believers as well as times of encouragement between the men. Many of these believers have faced persecution for following Christ & while that is never easy, it is an encouragement to know that there are others who share your burdens and can pray in understanding for you.

Pray also for the team of 2 men from TX that will be teaching. The days are incredibly hot here right now (up to 115 in the day) & although their teachings will take place inside the "HUB" there will be no air conditioning, only fans blowing around the hot air. Pray for stamina & health for these men.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

april 2014 newsletter

Dear Prayer Partners,

Thank you SO much for praying for us for this last month!! We have had quite a few "stresses" (I guess you could say) regarding personal or family matters on our team. I think each one of our families has been hit hard by something this last month. From the Saleebys (& really, all of us as a team) dealing with the medical issues surrounding Randy to the Foxes trying to finish their term well amidst the rising temperatures & cultural stresses to our family dealing with an ailing parent in the States & a bout with malaria for Mark, it has been a month of trial for each of us personally. But we are SO very encouraged to know that all of you are praying for us - both for our personal lives & our ministry. Thank you. Even when you don't know all the details, we know that you are faithful to pray & that brings us so much encouragement on those "hard" days.

I also wanted to say a HUGE "THANK YOU!!!!!!!" to all those who are participating in the Adopt-a-Road project! Just this morning I added our 100th prayer partner to that project. I am on the verge of tears as I am just so amazed & humbled & grateful to the Lord for answering our prayer to have 100 people praying for these roads where we do ministry!! Even amidst our personal trials, we have been so encouraged & blessed by what God is doing among the Songhai on these roads! God is truly blessing the ministry of your prayers & the bold proclamations of the Gospel along these roads. Thank you!!

We are also excited to have Randy home today!! We met him at the airport this afternoon & were so glad to hug his neck!! We are blessed beyond measure to have a team who loves each others & feels each other's absences with great pain. We are so glad Randy is home!! Thank you for praying for him while he's been on medical leave & for his continued health & healing.

We love all of you so much & are so blessed by your partnership with us in reaching the Songhai!!

that ALL may know HIM,

Mark & Parker <><