There is only one small pocket where the Songhai are found
naturally in Burkina Faso and it is surrounding an area called Gorom
Gorom. We have made several trips
there in the past few years and this past February we saw some of the first
Songhai coming to Christ in the surrounding villages.
There is a great missionary who has lived in that area for
25+ years. He and his family were
evacuated by military a few weeks ago as it was discovered they were the target
of an impending attack.
Pray for peace in that area. Gorom Gorom sits in the same position as Ayorou does in
Niger: right on the Mali
While we have hope that God can work a miracle in this
region, the current outlook is dreary at best. Pray that God would open a way for the missionary effort to
continue in Gorom Gorom. Pray for
God to give this missionary family a sense of direction as they will not be
allowed to return for at least another 5 months.