About this time last year God begin to lay something on my heart for reaching the Songhai. We had struggled at each step of the way in Ayorou with the question of "what next?" Someone wants to hear more, what next? Someone believed, what next? A group is following Christ, what next?
These questions, while simple, were not easy to answer.
Then, knowing we were going to be overseeing all the Songhai work, not just Ayorou, these questions were multiplied.
God began to lay on my heart a simple strategy that would take a church planter from entry to exit. With each new group or village there would be a clear process of moving from entry to evangelism to discipleship to leadership development to exit. The last one was especially important as we seek to hand off the work to our national believers as soon as possible. We're calling this strategy E2E.
It is very simple and works on the presupposition that God's sheep hear His voice. In other words, we speak the name of Christ boldly and often in places it's never been spoken and to people who've never heard.
A year ago, when this started coming together in my mind, the picture was not just Parker and I or even the Songhai Team. It was a coordinated effort by us, our Great Commission Christians, our national partners, and our volunteer teams. That we'd all be moving in the same direction for the same purpose.
I am so excited now as this dream from over a year ago is becoming a reality. We have trained and sent out 4 national partners (2 by 2) with the E2E strategy into Songhai lands.
Serving in Boubon
Serving in Karma
Please pray for them as they take the Light into some of the darkest places in the world.