Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Videos of the Songhai

Here are some links to videos produced by ourselves or the IMB that will aid you in learning about, praying for or preparing to come meet the Songhai

Untold Millions
It has been over 2000 years since Jesus walked the earth, and over 150 years since missionaries started working in the great continent of Africa. Still today there are ethnic groups in West Africa who have little or no access to the Gospel. 

Hope for the Hopeless
Most of the peoples of West Africa are bound to the hopelessness of Islam and assorted animistic beliefs and rituals.  Darkness surrounds them.  Tribal conflict, corruption and poverty seems to have no end. The light of the true Gospel of Jesus Christ is the only hope for the Peoples of West Africa.

See the transformation of one village in one year because of people fasting & praying for the Songhai of West Africa.

Want a head start on the language of the Songhai people? Cephas is here to help you!! Get your pad & pencil ready!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Language Helps

Here are a few helpful sites or resources to give you a little help in learning the Songhai language ...

Faith Comes by Hearing
   This organization is a vital part of our ministry with the illiterate Songhai people. They have recorded on a solar powered radio the ENTIRE New Testament in the Zarma language (the Niger dialect of Songhai). Check out their website & listen to a sample of Songhai. Or, if you feel so led, order one for a Songhai believer.

Cawyan Zarma Sanni
   Learn the Zarma language! Again, the Zarma language is the Niger dialect of Songhai. This is a great site for learning the language or just some key phrases. It also has information about the culture, music & much more!

West African Languages
   Listen AND read the Songhai language! This page lists a handful of West African languages (both Songhai & Zarma included) where you can listen to greetings & small conversation starters as well as follow along with a printed guide!